How do I purchase Tenthouse?
You can purchase Tenthouse through our webshop from January 30th at 11.00.
The price is DKK 3.100 per Tenthouse (+ deposit)
You can see where Tenthouse is located on this map.
What is a Tenthouse?
As the name suggests, the Tenthouse is a perfect blend of a tent and a house. It has a real floor raised above the ground and contains a mattress for two people (200 x 135 cm), a storage box (which can be locked if you bring your own lock), lights and a 230 V socket.
How big is a Tenthouse?
A Tenthouse is big enough for two people.
Why can't I connect e.g. an electric kettle in the Tenthouse?
There are many Tenthouses that share the stream. Therefore, you may only use the socket for connecting chargers for mobile phones etc., not for electric boilers and heaters. If you do that, the fuse goes off and the power goes out – not just in your own Tenthouse, but also in all the neighbours'.
Can I set up the pavilion?
It is not permitted to set up pavilions in the Tenthouse area.
What do I need to do to get my deposit back?
When returning home, your Tenthouse and the surrounding area must be cleared of all gear and material brought with you. Before you leave the site, you must contact a camping host in the area so that you can have the delivery of your Tenthouse approved.
You can read more about deposits on camping products here.
How many products can I buy per order?
For the Tenthouse, the maximum number is 10. per order.
When will I be assigned my location?
You will receive an email with information about your exact location about a week before the start of the festival.
Why can't I see my Special Camping products in my Wallet?
Your Special Camping products (as well as other rental products, beer, cider and the like) are transferred to your Wallet in the Roskilde Festival app immediately before the festival. As long as you have received your order confirmation and your order has been paid, you can therefore in general assume that everything is as it should be with your order, even if your Wallet is empty.
Why does it say that my Special Camping order is "unfulfilled" when I log into your webshop?
Your order appears as "unfulfilled" because your purchase has not yet been delivered. As long as you have received your order confirmation and your order has been paid for, you can therefore in general assume that everything is as it should be with your order, even if it says "unfulfilled".
Why are the Special Camping areas open to everyone?
We have assessed that there is no need to exclude anyone from camping areas and, therefore, do not wish to allocate resources to maintain access control. We also aim for a festival site that fosters and engages communities, without being divided into enclosed areas.