How do I purchase Get A Place?
You can purchase Get A Place through our webshop from January 30th at 11.00.
The price is DKK 1350 per Get A Place.
When you have purchased Get A Place, we would like to ask you to fill in our Camp Form. We do this in order to place you and everyone else as appropriately as possible.
You can see where Get A Place is located on this map.
How big is a Get A Place?
A Get A Place is an area of 50 m2 where you and your camp can set up. One Get A Place site is intended for a camp of 6-10 people or approximately four tents and one pavilion.
You must still place your tents close so that there is room for everyone, and after Sunday June 29th at 16.00, everyone is allowed to use the available slots.
Do I get assigned a specific space in advance or do I just have to run in and pick a place in the Get A Place area when I arrive?
You will be assigned a specific space in advance. You will receive an email with information about your location about a week before the beginning of the festival. It is very important that you use exactly that space, as it is a big puzzle to get the location of everyone to add up.
If you can't find your pitch when you arrive, you can ask the campsite hosts or the tower in the area for guidance.
How long is my Get A Place reserved for me?
Your Get A Place is reserved for you until Sunday, June 29th at 16.00. The area is then opened so that all festival guests can enter and claim a place in any available areas. Therefore, it is also important that you ensure that the tents in your camp are positioned closely together.
Can I set up a pavilion in Get A Place?
You are welcome to set up the pavilion as long as you do not disturb others and do not block fire routes. You may set up one pavilion per Get A Place, but never more than two together - not even if you have several products. We recommend that you rent one from the festival via our webshop or bring a good quality one with you rather than using the classic white pavilions, which very quickly become waste. Party tents of all types are not permitted.
The camp hosts can always ask to have pavilions moved or taken down if they do not follow the safety rules.
Is there anything I can do to increase the chance of my Get A Place being placed in a specific area?
No. It is a huge puzzle that has to be solved when all Get A Place are to be placed, and it is therefore not possible to take any requests for specific placements into account.
Please note that Get A Place is only reserved until Sunday, June 29th at 16.00. If you are unhappy with your location, you can therefore investigate whether there are more vacant places in the area you would like to live in after that time.
How can I be sure to get all my Get A Place placed together?
If you have purchased several Get A Place on the same order number, they will automatically be placed together.
If you have purchased Get A Place on several order numbers, you can fill out our Camp Form - then we will do what we can to place your orders together.
How many products can I buy per order?
For Get A Place, the maximum number is 5 per order.
When will I be assigned my location?
You will receive an email with information about your exact location about a week before the start of the festival.
Why can't I see my Special Camping products in my Wallet?
Your Special Camping products (as well as other rental products, beer, cider and the like) are transferred to your Wallet in the Roskilde Festival app immediately before the festival. As long as you have received your order confirmation and your order has been paid, you can therefore in general assume that everything is as it should be with your order, even if your Wallet is empty.
Why does it say that my Special Camping order is "unfulfilled" when I log into your webshop?
Your order appears as "unfulfilled" because your purchase has not yet been delivered. As long as you have received your order confirmation and your order has been paid for, you can therefore in general assume that everything is as it should be with your order, even if it says "unfulfilled".
Why are the Special Camping areas open to everyone?
We have assessed that there is no need to exclude anyone from camping areas and, therefore, do not wish to allocate resources to maintain access control. We also aim for a festival site that fosters and engages communities, without being divided into enclosed areas.